Working with Giant Squid Group

Welcome to Giant Squid Group. We’re doing things a little differently around here. And we’re glad to have you. 

At Giant Squid Group, we believe a good cause needs a great fundraiser. We’re a small shop of passionate nonprofit veterans who provide strategic planning, fundraising planning, grant writing, and coaching to start-up and small nonprofits working to make an impact on their communities.

We’ve been described as “a heavily tattooed group of moms disrupting the nonprofit sector” and “pretty fucking rad” - but of course you don’t need to be a mom or tattooed to join the team.

Interested in working with us? Check out our current job opportunities below.

Now Hiring!

We are excitedly looking for a new team member! If you’re looking for a project that’ll be about 5-10 hours a week, please check out more details on the job description. A preference (but not requirement) is that you’re in the Chicago area. Read in the description about who we are and how we work - and we are eager to meet you.

Check out the full job description and apply here!

 A Little Bit About How We Work

Our team loves our work, but we also love what we do outside of work. We’re fundraisers and grant writers, but we’re also caretakers, artists, speakers, writers, activists, whiskey drinkers, jig-saw puzzle solvers, and runners (well, at least one of us runs). Our work is important to us — and we love what we do! — but we’re as committed to mental health, work/life balance, and downtime as we are to meeting deadlines and crafting the perfect case for support.

We’re a 100% remote team, with consultants in Austin, TX and Chicago, IL. Each team member works with a small portfolio of clients, managing all aspects of the client relationship from goal setting to grant submissions. We meet as a team often and help each other celebrate wins, navigate challenges, and set goals, but we work independently and rely on project management tools to keep our systems going.

Everything we do - from the projects we take on, to how we work as a team - is grounded in social justice and equity, and as a company we are committed to antiracist and community-centered learning.  We use our privilege to promote equity.  We must be part of acknowledging and dismantling harmful systems, and recognize this is a challenging, ongoing, and iterative journey, and that while we will make errors, that failure is part of learning. 

All of our work is rooted in our core values of integrity, inclusivity, and creativity.   We unequivocally believe DEI must be more than a buzzword in our sector, and that we must be part of creating transformational change that affirms, celebrates, supports, and includes all identities.

One way we bring equity into our work is through our Pay What You Want pricing model. Not all nonprofits have the same resources, so we don’t want everyone to pay the same price. We want all nonprofits to have access to fundraising practices that help them build stronger communities; center marginalized voices, and work towards transformative change. Our Pay What You Want fee structure ensures we can offer quality programs and invest in our team, while also committing to economic justice. 

Giant Squid Group works through our core values: integrity, inclusion, and creativity. We work to foster a culture of compassion and grace that allows us to fully show up for our clients, our families, and ourselves! We use the language below to communicate these values to our clients and develop a shared understanding of how they show up in our working relationship.

A Culture of Grace

We don’t want mission-driven work to lead to mission-driven burnout, and that’s why we’re so passionate about co-creating a space where we can all safely share, learn, and collaborate. That means that we understand failures and mistakes will occur, but that we prioritize relationships above any challenges that occur. We deal with things as they come up, then move on.

A Creative Partnership

We’re here to be the Robin to your Batman. The Chewbacca to your Han Solo. The Willow to your Buffy.  We want you to succeed - in raising money, growing your mission, developing your leadership skills, and generally being your bad-ass social-justice-warrior self.  We’ve got our standard operating procedures, tools, onboarding plan, and resources, but ultimately we’ll be adapting how we work to make sure we’re meeting you where you are.

An Assumption of Trust

We get it: investing in an external partner is a significant investment of time, energy, and resources. And we know that at the end of the day our success together will have a clear ROI (and lots of money raised!) At each step of the process, we expect to co-create a compassionate, respectful, and honest working relationship that open-heartedly invites all experiences, insights, and perspectives